Sunday, February 26, 2012

Highlights of WAR IV

 I was at South Coast Promotions fight card WAR IV this past Friday at the Arabian Shrine Center in Houston, Texas and took in some really good competitive fights. I have to give a BIG thank you to Juan Leija’s management team for inviting me out. I didn't originally plan to attend but I like watching fights that are not simply bouts to pad records but when fighter's handlers actually put their guys into bouts that are competitive. Lets get started shall we.

Guadelupe  “The Butcher” Perez( 2-6,0KO) def Francisco Arrellano (2-1, 1KO)

Weight: lightweight

This was a close four round fight!! One of the ones that you hate to judge because either decision could be defended.  It seemed that for every jab that Arellano landed, Perez was able to land a shot to the body.  While Arrellano was able to land combinations against Perez while the two traded in the center of the ring, he rested too much on the ropes allowing Perez to score points with the judges.

You have to give Arellano credit, he could have made this fight boring to the fans and simply stuck with his very effective jab, but he instead stayed aggressive and continued to make a fight out of what could have been a easy victory.

After the decision was given, Arellano was clearly upset and I have to say for good reason. He should have been given the decision, but this is boxing. And in boxing things that should happen doesn’t always do. I talked to Arellano after the fight and he blamed the judges for the decision. When I talked to Perez about the controversial victory, He said that “Arellano wasn’t able to hurt me so I kept coming.”

3 judge average: 39-37 for Perez
My judgment: Draw 

Cody Richards( 8-0, 4KO) def  Deshaun Williams (3-8, 2KO)
Weight: Junior Welterweight

Let me start with this, Cody Richards is one hell of a body puncher!! While not the most technical fighter, Richards looked excellent as he peppered Williams of Galveston, Texas with little defense coming from Williams. Richards, a native of Orange, Texas never let up as he chased Williams throughout the fight and landed body shots that dug into Williams’ torso in each round.

Richards may be a contender one day and with his punching power and his size he should be.
This fight was so lop-sided that I didn’t even care to record the judge’s score.

Juan Leija(4-0, 1KO def Ricky Lacefield(0-3)
Weight: Flyweight

This was the main event of the evening and I have one thing to say: Ricky Layfield is talented, his record is deceptive. Lacefield, a Nebraska native traveling to Texas for the second time didn’t beat Leija, but he provided an excellent test. Leija who chased Lacefield for four rounds, tried numerous times to cut Lacefield off from moving around the ring. He wasn’t able to but he was able to land his overhand right and hooks to the body when he was able to find Lacefield against the ropes.

Lacefield to his credit provided an excellent bout and anyone thinking that since he is win-less he is your typical boxing journey be warned. Lacefield can box and fight off the angles. His defense is decent for a fighter with 3 pro fights. His style is effective and if he polishes it will serve him well during his career. his style made the fight difficult for Leija and at times you could see frustration on Leija's face. But Lacefield style while effective, wasn’t enough to impress the judges as they gave the majority decision to Leija.

This was a good fight that I think was main event quality. You rarely see a fighter take risk early in their careers and Leija's management should be commended on them putting Juan into a fight that while he didn't look dominate, he was able to pull through the victory by doing something so many fighters are unable to do: Adapt to their opponents. Lacefield has yet to taste victory, but I would love to see him fight again. He is only 19 and has a tremendous amount of skill in only 3 fights.

Interesting fact about Lacefield: In 80 amateur fights and 3 professional fight, he has only been down once. Remember that.

Judges scores: 40-36, 38-38, 39-37
My Score: 39-37 Leija.

After the fight I was able to talk to both fighters:
“I won the fight, simple as that. The judges gave a home town decision! There is no way that you can judge me as losing this fight. This is Bull&^k$!”
It wasn’t my best fight and I world have to give myself a 7 out of 10. The crowd was so amped and it started to get to me. I made a few mistakes because of it.”

Leija was referring to the friends and family who came out to show support to Leija, who was honoring his uncle David that passed in a car accident on exactly the same day. 

Juan’s uncle was a mentor to him and the two were close. This fight was in his memory” –Leija’s father and manager. 

Leija's management team hopes to get Juan 5 fights this year and to continue putting him against stronger opposition.
Leija Vs. Lacefield

Leija dedicated this fight to the memory of his uncle David

Lacefield on his way to the ring

Leija lands a lead hook.

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