Tuesday, December 6, 2011

TinTin continues to climb the ladder in Houston, Texas

Houston, Texas native and undefeated boxer Gerardo “Tintin” Ibarra hosted ​​a public workout(12-3-2011) at Hanks Gym in preparation for his upcoming fight on December 10th. He looked to be in good condition and possessed a great desire to get into the ring.
“I only had one fight this year. Fights were getting scheduled but guys were pulling out. I think this is a good way for me to end the year” said Ibarra.  “I just want to continue fighting and get my shot at the title. Im not losing to anyone in the ring."

"Ibarra cant be matched in the ring skillfully. He power is unequaled and his style has no fedease against it."-Brandon Countee, Promotional Director for Majestic Raven Entertainment.

“He looks good in the ring and during sparring. Training was really good for him. Great preparation. He has really been working hard.” Ibarra’s trainer Aaron Navarro said.

Fans showed up and took photos with Ibarra as well as autographs.

One of Ibarra’s sponsors Christopher Shorter of Blue Flame Energy Drink was in attendance as well.
“Seeing a fighter train as hard as he did today is inspiring.” Shorter said. “This is something you have to see live to really get the dedication that he has.”

shadow boxing
photo with the fans

Hitting the pads

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