Sunday, February 26, 2012

Highlights of WAR IV

 I was at South Coast Promotions fight card WAR IV this past Friday at the Arabian Shrine Center in Houston, Texas and took in some really good competitive fights. I have to give a BIG thank you to Juan Leija’s management team for inviting me out. I didn't originally plan to attend but I like watching fights that are not simply bouts to pad records but when fighter's handlers actually put their guys into bouts that are competitive. Lets get started shall we.

Guadelupe  “The Butcher” Perez( 2-6,0KO) def Francisco Arrellano (2-1, 1KO)

Weight: lightweight

This was a close four round fight!! One of the ones that you hate to judge because either decision could be defended.  It seemed that for every jab that Arellano landed, Perez was able to land a shot to the body.  While Arrellano was able to land combinations against Perez while the two traded in the center of the ring, he rested too much on the ropes allowing Perez to score points with the judges.

You have to give Arellano credit, he could have made this fight boring to the fans and simply stuck with his very effective jab, but he instead stayed aggressive and continued to make a fight out of what could have been a easy victory.

After the decision was given, Arellano was clearly upset and I have to say for good reason. He should have been given the decision, but this is boxing. And in boxing things that should happen doesn’t always do. I talked to Arellano after the fight and he blamed the judges for the decision. When I talked to Perez about the controversial victory, He said that “Arellano wasn’t able to hurt me so I kept coming.”

3 judge average: 39-37 for Perez
My judgment: Draw 

Cody Richards( 8-0, 4KO) def  Deshaun Williams (3-8, 2KO)
Weight: Junior Welterweight

Let me start with this, Cody Richards is one hell of a body puncher!! While not the most technical fighter, Richards looked excellent as he peppered Williams of Galveston, Texas with little defense coming from Williams. Richards, a native of Orange, Texas never let up as he chased Williams throughout the fight and landed body shots that dug into Williams’ torso in each round.

Richards may be a contender one day and with his punching power and his size he should be.
This fight was so lop-sided that I didn’t even care to record the judge’s score.

Juan Leija(4-0, 1KO def Ricky Lacefield(0-3)
Weight: Flyweight

This was the main event of the evening and I have one thing to say: Ricky Layfield is talented, his record is deceptive. Lacefield, a Nebraska native traveling to Texas for the second time didn’t beat Leija, but he provided an excellent test. Leija who chased Lacefield for four rounds, tried numerous times to cut Lacefield off from moving around the ring. He wasn’t able to but he was able to land his overhand right and hooks to the body when he was able to find Lacefield against the ropes.

Lacefield to his credit provided an excellent bout and anyone thinking that since he is win-less he is your typical boxing journey be warned. Lacefield can box and fight off the angles. His defense is decent for a fighter with 3 pro fights. His style is effective and if he polishes it will serve him well during his career. his style made the fight difficult for Leija and at times you could see frustration on Leija's face. But Lacefield style while effective, wasn’t enough to impress the judges as they gave the majority decision to Leija.

This was a good fight that I think was main event quality. You rarely see a fighter take risk early in their careers and Leija's management should be commended on them putting Juan into a fight that while he didn't look dominate, he was able to pull through the victory by doing something so many fighters are unable to do: Adapt to their opponents. Lacefield has yet to taste victory, but I would love to see him fight again. He is only 19 and has a tremendous amount of skill in only 3 fights.

Interesting fact about Lacefield: In 80 amateur fights and 3 professional fight, he has only been down once. Remember that.

Judges scores: 40-36, 38-38, 39-37
My Score: 39-37 Leija.

After the fight I was able to talk to both fighters:
“I won the fight, simple as that. The judges gave a home town decision! There is no way that you can judge me as losing this fight. This is Bull&^k$!”
It wasn’t my best fight and I world have to give myself a 7 out of 10. The crowd was so amped and it started to get to me. I made a few mistakes because of it.”

Leija was referring to the friends and family who came out to show support to Leija, who was honoring his uncle David that passed in a car accident on exactly the same day. 

Juan’s uncle was a mentor to him and the two were close. This fight was in his memory” –Leija’s father and manager. 

Leija's management team hopes to get Juan 5 fights this year and to continue putting him against stronger opposition.
Leija Vs. Lacefield

Leija dedicated this fight to the memory of his uncle David

Lacefield on his way to the ring

Leija lands a lead hook.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The slap heard around Europe!

Today at their respective weigh in heavy weight boxer and challenger Derek Chisora slapped World Boxing Champion Vitali Klitschko. Why did this slap need to be delivered? Click here to see it.

Well for one of a few reasons is Chisora is a huge under dog who is 1-2 in his last 3 fights. The other reason is unfortunately this fight has no underlining interest. Most of Vitali's fight have been one sided boring matches and this one does give the impression that there will be no changes. Until the weigh in.

Klitschko is a huge favorite to win and will more than likely win the match with Chisora making attempts at a knock out. But I have to wonder how many Vitali fans are wondering if the WBC heavyweight champ will come out with both barrels blazing? That Vitali will not box his routine jab and cross that he does in a robotic manner and will come out at the first round going for the kill? Do Chisora's fans now think that the Brit may have the bravery(not the exact word I am looking for) to actually conquer Klitschko?

But I believe that when Chisora slapped Klitschko it did one thing: it made fans want to see how it ends and will watch twelve one sided boring rounds to see one thing happen: a Knock out.

I will say this, I wasn't really going to watch the fight but now I have to see how Klitschko is defeated by a man that has disrespected him or how he comes out of his routine and beats Chisora without mercy. Either way great publicity for the sport! Thank You Derek for making me look forward to this fight.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Will the Big Fight Happen?

In all of competitive sports there are always the “dream” match ups. Kobe and Lebron going head to head in the finals for right to prove who the superior player is. The Dallas Cowboys versus the Houston Texans for the Super Bowl Championship at the Reliant Stadium, The Boston Celtics taking on the Los Angeles Lakers, The New York Mets fighting for a Pennant against the Yankees. There are countless match ups that sports fans can fantasize and argue over the semantics of who would win and why. Then there is Manny Pacquiao Versus Floyd Mayweather. What is different concerning this “Dream” event taking place? What separates this particular dream is that in boxing ANY fight can almost be made. There is no playoff system, regular season or even a governing body that prevents this fight from happening.  That is the single reason that fans of the sport are upset.
For the past two years these two have circled each other in verbal exchanges concerning accusations of performance enhancing drugs, threats and finger pointing on why the fight is not taking place. Recently Mayweather challenged Pacquiao to a bout on May 5th.    Bob Arum, Pacquiao’s promoter declined the fight due to Pacquiao’s cut in his close victory against Juan Marquez in November. I honestly don’t know how true it is but at this point I am skeptical about everything I hear concerning the possible biggest fight in Boxing. Maywetaher is now facing Miguel Cotto on May 5th and then will serve his 90 day jail term for assaulting the mother of his children. Pacquiao is now schedule to fight against Timothy Bradley in June. Bradley is also promoted by Bob Arum.
I’m not accusing Arum of keeping a cash cow in his possession nor do I really care. What I am frustrated with as a fan of the sport is why is it that Pacquiao and Mayweather can fight everyone but each other.
Cotto lost to Pacquiao but now is fighting Maywetaher?
Marquez lost to Pacquiao, lost to Pacquiao, drew against Pacquiao, lost to Mayweather and lost to Pacquiao. Say that 3 times real fast.
Pacquiao has fought and beaten Oscar de la Hoya (so did Floyd), Ricky Hatton(so did Floyd), Antonio Margarito, Joshua Clottey and Shane Mosley(so did Floyd).

I cannot choose who they should fight but I do believe that after 2 years of “attempting” to make a fight and only giving the fans one compelling and competitive fight in the last 3 years( Pacquiao vs Marquez 3) it might be time for us to accept that these two are making a serious amount of money for not giving the fans the fight that they want. Fans are shelling out $60 for pay-per-views to see who? I have yet to meet anyone and I mean anyone that remotely cares for the Mayweather versus Cotto match up and feel likewise for the Pacquiao vs. Bradley matchup.

How much money are we as fans willing to give to these two before we boycott not buying their overly expensive tickets or horrible main events before they actually step into the ring and deserve our hard earned dollars?

Out of all the possible challengers Manny could face why choose Bradley? Its not a knock against Bradley who has a undefeated record against C+ talent, but more a admission that the best fights are clearly not being made.

I could never see Ali dodging Frazier or Foreman. Or what if Oscar never fought Felix or Lewis versus Holyfield?    

Brandon Countee

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sanctioning bodies give into GBP and Khan

Boxing sanctioning bodies WBA and IBF have ordered a rematch between Amir Khan and Lamont Peterson.

Even though their bout in which Khan was docked two points for excessive pushing was close and exciting to many fans the deduction of points gave Peterson the victory.

Khan who has blamed his lost on a "mystery man", judges, referees and seemingly everyone except President Obama appealed of the judges and apparantly the sanctioning bodies gave into the press and granted a rematch.

No one is against the a rematch considering their first bout, but many feel that the way that Golden Boy Promotions and Khan protested(cried) is unfair to Peterson. Peterson's manager and trainer Barry Hunter issued this statement:

 “We are extremely pleased that Golden Boy and Amir Khan withdrew their protest with the IBF. As we have said all along, we were not going to be forced to make a decision by one person or entity and we will continue to do what is in the best interest of Lamont Peterson,”

Peterson who has not had a chance to enjoy his championship belts due to the protest of Golden Boy and Khan deserves the opportunity to enjoy being the Jr. Welterweight champion and should be able to decide who his next opponent should be. If Khan would have had the victory he certainly would not have granted a rematch(remember his first loss, Breidis Prescott).

What is most important is that fans are not at all rioting in the street giving that the fight was close and either fighter could have been given the victory.