Monday, August 8, 2011

Blue Flame Ignites as "the only energy drink big enough for Texas!!"

Houston based energy drink company  Blue Flame Energy Drink has big expectations for 2012. The co-founders  Chris Shorter and Dr. Ariel Avery feel their new "functional" drink is really different in this expanding market. Shorter who feels that their drink is different because their plan is to donate 10% of all revenue from the company to charitable organizations in tthe Houston-Metro Area.

     1. Tell us a little bit about your new energy drink "Blue Flame"?

    Blue Flame Energy Drink is a new energy drink founded by me and my business partner Dr. Aerial Avery. While there are already several other energy drinks with a strong market presence, we truly believe that with a taste that is second to none and the movement behind the drink that Blue Flame Energy Drink will quickly expand. Unlike most energy drinks, Blue Flame Energy Drink is formulated to increase the consumer's energy on an accelerated basis as oppose to a quick spike in energy. This enables the consumer to feel more in control of their body and energy level without the normal jitters associated with energy drinks. On the back end, Blue Flame also allows for the consumer to come down from their energy boost gradually as oppose to a sudden crash.

   While people rave about the taste of Blue Flame, which hides the vitamins and healthy ingredients in the drink behind a fruity flavor, there is also a huge focus on giving back to the community. Blue Flame Energy Drink donates a minimum of 10% of all proceeds directly back to the community. Blue Flame plans on assisting in  food and clothing drives, scholarships and other community endeavors. .

2.       What made you get into the energy drink business?

 The increasing annual revenue associated with energy drinks, as well as the profit margin with the products, pushed us to get into the energy drink business. We always knew that we wanted to start a company that would allow us to help the less fortunate on a grand scale, and after researching the energy drink market felt like this was a solid opportunity.

3.       What is something about your drink that people probably wouldn’t guess? It's ingredients can only be found in a remote village the south of France.(The entire table at the luncheon started to laugh at where he was going)   Just joking...The "Blue" in the name Blue Flame Energy Drink came from us being members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated whose colors are blue and white.

4.       You have anything coming up soon?

We have several things coming up soon...

1. We just connected with a new street-team promotional company called Mean Swag Promotions out of Florida to help increase exposure in the area. They are going are 15 school tour in Florida starting in August and will be giving out our drink at various events.

2. We are looking to begin a sponsoring young athletes from around the Houston-Metro Area.

3. We are working with the Hawgs of Texas to possible sponsor a "Battle of the Bands" event in September as well as a huge bike rally in April of next year.

4. Our first YouTube ad should be complete in the next couple of weeks and we plan on blasting the web with that.

5.       What do you want to change about drinks in the future?

The amount of caffeine that company's put into their energy drinks. Energy drinks shouldn't be harmful or have harmful side effects to the consumers at any time.  We a good number of people who love the drink and report no side effects at all.

For more info on Blue flame Energy Drink click here.

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